Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials


“Very pleased with the work they’ve done. My floors and countertops came out beautiful! Highly recommend.”
- Shane M., via Google 

“A quality company to deal with – entire experience was positive! Excellent customer service – very friendly, knowledgeable and extremely professional. Torey available at all times, answered emails, calls and texts promptly. Vast and impressive inventory to choose from – if it’s not there they will find it for you. Owner measures himself for accuracy. On time delivery. Installer was a perfectionist and on site installation and clean up was great. Not one disappointment with the entire process – from site visit, company employees, inventory, on time delivery and installation!!”
- Kevin L., via Google 

“Best stone shop in the metro area hands down. They do incredible tile work of all kinds, interior, exterior, showers, custom inlays, really beautiful stuff. and their work with marble and quartz slab is unmatched in SE Louisiana.”
- Allen M., via Facebook 

“We bought a grand New Orleans art deco house that needed some love and updates. The pink and black tile bath really did not please us. We called you because the quality of your work is well known. I thought your estimate would be too expensive but was surprised when it was so affordable.
 Your craftsmanship speaks for itself. Two other subcontractors have remarked about the quality of your team's work here. Thank you for great recommendations and a beautiful new bath and kitchen. You transformed our house into a beautiful home.”
- Valerie Lowe and Sena Hawes

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At Palo All Tile & Countertops, we value your client perspective and want to hear your thoughts about your experience with our company. From small projects to large-scale remodels, every bit of feedback matters to us. We hope that you will take a moment of your time and share your experience with us!

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